AMRI GlobalCruachan Hydro Power StationNeuroPhysio ScotlandGreywalls HotelPetri dish mouldMini plant robotsUoD Facial reconstructionUoD Drug Discovery UnitConcept Life SciencesAMRI GlobalLloyds GCALloyds GCASO & CO AccessoriesGreywalls HotelThe Larder/Foundation ScotlandExamining the DNA of the fruit fly.Bacteria from a nose swabThe new Forth CrossingGreywalls HotelCargo bars and eventsUoD CTIR AtriumGreywalls HotelLeuchie HouseGreywalls HotelF1 factoryGreywalls HotelNeuroPhysio ScotlandUoD Lab experimentAmma Birth Partners/SCVOLove my BusThe Larder/Foundation ScotlandLove my BusMini plant robotsGreywalls HotelLloyds GCAThe morning after drink drive campaignBacteria growth from a child’s handUoD Lab experimentPlant Sciences Thermo Fisher ScientificF1 factoryGreywalls HotelUoDChemistry labUoD Lab experimentChemistry labThe Gathering 2023Greywalls HotelGreywalls HotelScouts ScotlandMini plant robotsConcept Life SciencesPirelli Tyres Ltd Carlisle Written by Lewis J Houghton Lewis HoughtonNovember 24, 2014